Monday, October 1, 2012

Energy Bites by Outburst | Chocolate Energy | Campus Mad Dash

As a college student, we've all been there. It’s finals week and even though you pulled yet another all-nighter (the second one this week), you still wake up with a stretch and a yawn, feeling surprisingly rested. What time is it anyway? As you glance at the time on your phone, a sudden panic overcomes you. You've slept in and your final begins in five minutes!

Throwing on whatever clothes that are closest to you, you race from your room leaving a cartoonish cloud of dust in your wake. Before slamming the door behind you, the only thing you have time to grab is a box of Outburst Energy Bites. With the day you're about to have, you're gonna need all the energy you can muster.

Thanks to its convenient design and flip-top lid, you're able to pop a few Energy Bites during your mad dash across campus. You witness a fellow student hurrying along as well, desperately attempting to sip her coffee between lunges. It's not long until she missteps and her coffee lands all over the dorm steps. With four Energy Bites giving you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee, it's a lot more convenient, whether or not you're racing for your future.

Finally, you've made it to class just before the final begins. Your professor instructs you to take out your pencils and begin the exam. You open your backpack where you normally keep your pencils, only to find an empty box of Outburst Energy Bites that you ate during last night's study session at the library. Unfortunately, Outburst Energy Bites can't help you when you’re out of pencils, but if it's convenient and ready-to-go energy that you need, then give Outburst Energy Bites a try. It won't let you down, especially during crunch time. 

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